How to care for your Biothane Lead & Collar

How to care for your Biothane Lead & Collar

How to Care for your Biothane Lead & Collar

Dapper Dogwear products are made to be tough. Our goal is to make items that can withstand all of the adventures that our dogs encounter - and while the materials and construction are designed to be durable and resilient, there are a few normal 'wear and tear' things that can be expected to happen over time.

Below are a few tips to help maintain and keep your gear looking fresher longer.


One of the absolute best things about Biothane is that it is so low maintenance! The colours stay vibrant year after year, and the PVC coating is resistant to mould, moisture, and bacteria - so it stays way cleaner than just about any other leash option out there. It dries fast, retains its nice soft texture, and doesn’t get crusty or stinky like a lot of traditional leashes used to. Here are several easy ways to keep your gear looking good:

  • The easiest “quick clean” option is to wipe your line down with a damp towel, a baby wipe, or a sanitising wipe. This will work great for everyday surface dust and dirt.
  • To do a more thorough clean, fill a bowl with mild soapy water and soak your line for a few minutes. Dish soap works great. After soaking for a few minutes, wipe your gear down with a sponge to remove the dirt, then rinse and towel dry.
  • If there are stubborn patches (tar or sap, for example), spray a mild cleaner or some rubbing alcohol directly on the spot, let it sit, and then wipe with a cloth, a sponge, or a light abrasive like an old toothbrush. Do not use a heavy abrasive like steel wool. A Magic Eraser is a great option for a thorough clean. 
  • After a beach trip always make sure you rinse your line, and especially the clasp, with fresh water to prevent corrosion from the salt water.
  • The lighter/brighter Biothane colours do show dust, dirt and grime more, and may require more frequent cleaning to stay looking new.
  • Tarnish that has transferred from the metal hardware onto the Biothane may require some additional scrubbing/muscle to remove, especially if intervals between cleaning are long.
  • While Biothane is an incredibly versatile material that can withstand MOST of the dirt and grime it comes across, please note that it is not completely stain proof in all circumstances.


Our range is made from Stainless Steel hardware and resistant to rust, however after prolonged exposure to the elements, this can wear down the protective barrier.

After exposure to salt water, mud and sand we strongly recommend rinsing with fresh water after exposure to reduce the chances of he hardware tarnishing.

Abrasive actions such as scratching, rubbing against other hardware components (leash clasps, ID tags, etc), or contact with hard/abrasive surfaces (rubbing against concrete, etc) will cause faster wear. Finish wearing is unavoidable and is not a failure of the hardware.


Tarnish is the discolouration that you may see built up on metals over time - it even collects on your fine jewellery like gold and sterling silver. It is caused by a natural oxidation process and is a completely normal occurrence.

The best way to keep tarnish from staining your dog's fur or the Biothane on the collars is to regularly polish the hardware - the less tarnish that is built up, the less possibility for transfer.

We recommend using an old toothbrush and a mild detergent to clean the hardware components. Tarnish can have a bit of a greasy, grimy feel - if the tarnish has been building up over a long period of time, it may require some muscle to scrub clean.


  • Harsh cleaners, topical flea/tick products, and other various chemicals can cause colour change and finish wear - it is not recommended that these be used on the collars.
  • Extreme heat can damage the Biothane and the hardware finish so it is not recommended that items be washed in the dishwasher or washing machine on a heated cycle.
  • While Biothane is waterproof and therefore perfect for dogs that love to swim, it is important to allow the metal hardware components to dry - when not in use, it is best to allow all components to fully air out and dry before items are stored away. Avoid storing wet to prevent premature wearing of hardware components.

That's it!

We hope these tips help you to get the most out of your Dapper Dogwear items - no collar is truly indestructible (as most of us know well from the experience of life with animals), but our goal is to get as close to that mark as possible. The aesthetics will change as the collar is worn, used, and lived in, but the durability and functionality will remain for years and years to come.

If you have any questions please contact us.

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